It appears that Bassya wrote every day if not several letters a day, we have to skip several letters for now until we get them translated.
Reno, Nevada
March 21, 1932
Beloved Pinchas
I have written to you already today — but since I have not written on Sunday — I feel that it will cheat you out of a letter. Am I not wonderful?
Oh dear Pinchas — my Pinchas, how I want to play with you — to read with you to be with you eternally.
How much faith I have in you — how much love I have for you, and what beautiful thoughts I have of you.
When I think of our belonging to each other in the eyes of all the world — When I think of our friendship — of our worship for one another, my heart fills with indescribable joy — and my face covers with smiles.
For the first time the sun shined the whole day — and I sat on the front steps — bathed my face and hair in the sunshine — drinking its beauty and watching it grow weaker and weaker until the last rays have said their good-bye. With the book on my lap — I couldn’t read much — I had sat there with my eyes closed — listening to the whispering of the trees — to the continuous chattering of the birds — and do you know that I was dreaming — day dreaming — and do you know who I was dreaming of? I will let you in on a little secret — promise not to tell? — well about four years ago I met a prince — yes — a real prince — he had the whitest face — the dreamiest eyes — and the most beautiful blond hair, but most of all — this charming prince possessed the most beautiful soul — and a strange thing happened — his soul began to speak — now remember his soul not he — it said to me: I am so unhappy — I am so lonely — I see nothing worthwhile for me to go on living — please let me have your soul and then I shall have everything — and never ask for anything else.
But I waited for the time when the prince himself would whisper these words — that his soul secretly told me — and then one day he whispered these words and many more into my ear — and since then I have been dreaming of him day and night. But wait — I have not told you his name — his name is Pinchas and he is the prince of my world of dreams, a world sublime.
Oh beloved — you are my prince — and I feel like believing in this fairy story.
I was over to the lawyer’s office — told him of my wanting to go away, he told me that since I intend leaving on Friday morning and coming back Sunday night — it would mean that Saturday is the only day I’ll be away — and that I’ll have to stay a day longer in Reno — I must complete six weeks, this is the law.
And now beloved I shall bid you good night — and sweet dreams —
eternally your Bebe
P.S. my best regards to mother father sister brother.
You’ll see dear that you should deliver this letter to mother personally — will you? — oh you are dear.
Give me your ear — and I’ll whisper another secret — are you listening? — sh sh — I love you — did you hear it?